
Extraordinary….Blue Bird Taxi has defended the IMAC 2011 Award for the Six Times in a row

Extraordinary….Blue Bird Taxi has defended the IMAC 2011 Award for the Six Times in a row

Published On 09 Jun 2011

Jakarta, June 09, 2011. Blue Bird Taxi has received the 2011 Indonesia Most Admired Company Award from Frontier Research Consulting Group’s research division for Taxi category. This is the six times in a row that Blue Bird Group has received the award. Frontier Consulting has been organizing this award since year 2000, in year 2006 Blue Bird Group has received the first award for the Most Admired Taxi Company in Indonesia. Back to back at the following year, from year 2007 up until year 2011 Blue Bird Group is still the most admired company has ever been existed and awarded by Frontier Consulting.

This IMAC Award has been delivered based on several grading aspects, such as Quality measurement of the product, Performance of the corporation, Responsibility of the company as a whole, and attractiveness of the product as well as the attractiveness of the company. Those are the most critical aspect that a company has to keep up in order to survive and in order to maintain their corporate image over the changing period of time. The IMAC committee has been conducting their survey towards 2,480 respondents consisting of Journalists, Investors, Medium and up scale of executive people, as well as selected Public respondents. Ten attributes which influence the shaping of the corporate image are all included in the survey measurement. Those ten attributes have been classified in to four dimensions: Quality, Performance, Responsibility and Attractiveness.

The First Dimension is the Quality: Quality is related to the services and innovations of the company. The second dimension is the Performance, which refer to the performance of the company. The third dimension called Responsibility, which describe about the Corporate Image that relates to the awareness for the environment as well as the social responsibility. The fourth dimension is the Attractiveness which relates to the quality of the Human Resources and the attractiveness of the company according to the employee in term of working environment.

The award was delivered by the CEO of Frontier Consulting Group him self, MR. Handi Irawan to Blue Bird Group’s Vice President of Human Resources and General affair, Mr. Riyanto Y Supatmo. The ceremony was held on Thursday evening (June 09th, 2011) at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta.

“Blue Bird Group has given an extraordinary work; Blue Bird Group is very consistent in taking care of the Corporate Image. The company is able to defend this appreciation in the IMAC Award 2011,” Praise Mr. Handi Irawan in between the ceremony. (TGH / Translated by HLN)

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