Pusaka GPS and Shanghai Fleety merge a cooperation

Published On 27 Dec 2009

Pusaka GPS and Shanghai Fleety merge a cooperation

The GPS use in Blue Bird Group has taken a new step. Along with the opening ceremony of 2009 China Technical Equipment & Commodities expo at Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, PT Global Pusaka Solutions or PusakaGPS, a subsidiary of Blue Bird Group, engaged a mutual cooperation with Shanghai Fleety Communication, China’s leading provider of integrated system solutions for real time vehicle management and vehicle positioning system service. Memorandum of Understanding was signed by President Director of PusakaGPS, Sigit P. Djokosoetono and Shanghai Fleety Communications CEO, James Wu, and witnessed both sides by the Ambassador of China for Indonesia, Ms. Zhang Qiyue, and Vice President of KADIN (Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Agoes Silaban.

By this cooperation, PusakaGPS will officially act as the sole distributor of Fleety GPS devices and market the product in Indonesia, targeting specifically to logistics transport, taxi, and rental operators.

“We’re aiming sales of Fleety’s GPS units up to 15,000 vehicles worth of U.S. $ 10 million in the next 3 years. About 12,000 units of Blue Bird Group fleet is targeted to use the device, the rest is from other companies,” said Sigit after the agreement signing.

In line with his statement, Managing Director of PusakaGPS, Harris Sutresna said that this cooperation is needed to maximize GPS station monitoring and tracking usage for BBG and external clients. “We hope that our mutual engagement with Fleety will give a great contribution to Indonesia’s transportation industry, as well as raising awareness of transportation service owners to be more conscious about keeping track with their vehicles operation.”

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